Course on Action Centred Leadership
Today’s challenging commercial environment has meant that an organization cannot survive without effective leaders in management at every level of its operations. Dr. John Adair’s tried and tested approach has proven that leaders can be developed. This 3-day course meant for those in charge of others at work, will put you on the path to great leadership. This is an experiential course where delegates SEE, HEAR & FEEL leadership rather than being lectured at. Several leadership tasks are carried out during the course plus a major film study is made of two leaders at work.
The Course is almost entirely participative through use of teamwork and practical exercises, and is built on the Action Centred Leadership (ACL) model developed by Dr. John Adair. The model stems from observation of the actions of effective leaders rather than on the qualities they are supposed to possess. There is overwhelming evidence that while a few people may be “born leaders” and need no instruction, the vast majority can improve their performance remarkably if they receive practical, down-to-earth instruction on what a leader must do to be effective.
What will the participant get?
The course will develop:
- An awareness of the three areas of overlapping needs present in all working groups giving an appreciation of the essential functions of a leader
- An understanding of the functions that are required
- The skills to perform these functions effectively
- A human touch that will enhance your ability to lead and motivate individuals
- Effective observation and feedback skills
- A clear idea of how these skills can be applied in your organization to attain business goals in times of difficulty and growth
The Course will cover
- Definitions of Leadership and Challenges
- What Makes an Effective Leader
- Approaches to Leadership
- Three areas of concern to a Leader:
- Getting the TASK done
- Building the TEAM
- Developing the INDIVIDUALS
- Developing a Framework for Leadership
- An Intensive Leadership Film Case Study based on Real Life Experience
- Decision Making
- Motivating Team Members
- Building an Effective Team
- Delegating
- Improving Communications
- Planning
- Course Review
Who should attend?
The course has been specifically developed for managers and team leaders who understand the value of both personally and professionally developing practical leadership skills and who are responsible and accountable for achieving results through and
with other people.
Practical training methods
This course is designed to introduce participants to the principles of Action Centred
Leadership and allow them to practice these principles in preparation for the application in the workplace. The course is highly participative and practical in nature, it includes discussions in small groups, thinking sessions, team-based leadership development exercises, review sessions, team presentations. Each participant will benefit from
the opportunity to lead a team task and provide feedback as well as observe other
leaders in action. A major film study of Leadership in action forms the backbone of the
Timing of the Course
On Day 1 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am
finishing at 7.00 pm.
On the other two days training begins at 9.00 am finishing at 5.00 pm.