All posts by shrta

Strategic Negotiation Influencing Skills

Negotiation is a key work and life skill. Negotiation takes place with outside companies and customers, as well as internally within departments or project teams. 90% of all negotiations take place before the involved parties even get to the bargaining table. Getting better results in terms of timelines, price or quality, all contribute to bottom line profitability. Most people think of negotiations as competitive contests where one persons gain is another’s loss – a more cooperative, creative agreement is rarely achieved.


10th & 11th December 2015 India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

Negotiation is a key work and life skill. Negotiation takes place with outside companies and customers, as well as internally within departments or project teams. 90% of all negotiations take place before the involved parties even get to the bargaining table. Getting better results in terms of timelines, price or quality, all contribute to bottom line profitability. Most people think of negotiations as competitive contests where one persons gain is another’s loss – a more cooperative, creative agreement is rarely achieved.

The workshop focuses on developing more collaborative outcomes in the wide variety of negotiations that we participate in every business day. This workshop is designed to groom potential and prospective future negotiators and will equip them with the attitudinal imperatives to clinch a successful deal

The 2 day workshop will provide an opportunity to understand and enhance your negotiation skills while benefiting from direct feedback. During the session, participants will have the opportunity to understand the negotiation process itself – getting the best results using a collaborative negotiation style. Our discussion will also focus on how different strategic choices and interpersonal skills drive success at the bargaining table.

These skills will help learn the structure underlying all negotiations. The workshop is packed with real life situations for role plays where participants will understand how to deploy relevant strategies, appropriate techniques, and interest sustaining tactics based on hands on experience.

Salient Features
• Experiential Methodology with live case situations and the role plays.

• Very rich content with multiple perspectives.

• Personal attention to each participant.

Course Objectives

The workshop will enable the participants to :

• Diagnose the underlying negotiation and influencing process

• Deal with tough customers.

• Successfully close the sales

• Identify, value, and strengthen their existing competencies around negotiation and influencing.

• Broaden their interpersonal and influencing skills

• Help them break deadlocks creatively

• Structure and use language to gain cooperation

• Lock-in commitment to lasting agreements

• Prepare more systematically to their advantage

• Generate strategic options

Key Takeaways & Learning Outcomes

• Learn the structure underlying all negotiations

• Identify appropriate skills and when to use them for negotiations

• Achieve a measurable improvement in performance

• Negotiate your way out of conflict

• Use active listening techniques to pick up signals Before too long

• Make, pitch and respond to proposals you’ll find

• Assess concessions and analyze priorities yourself making

• Defuse aggression and confrontation

• Handle deadlocks

• Identifying win-win agreements – expanding the pie.

• Developing the skill of asking questions

• Build partnership relationships with clients or suppliers

• Learn the secrets of win/win decision

• Conventional Vs Principled Negotiation

• Understanding the 4Ds of Negotiation .

• Dealing with difficult tactics.

Workshop Date/Venue

10th & 11th December 2015 At Willow Hall India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003

Who should attend

This Programme has been specifically designed for Junior, Middle or Senior level Managers irrespective of their functions, designation, position and business involvement – be it in private/public sector organisations, multinational companies or government organisations who want to maximise ability to negotiate more effectively and build stronger, longer-lasting relationships with clients, colleagues, suppliers and others..


The entire approach for covering the focus areas would be semi-structured in nature wherein effort would be on co-creation. The participation of the trainees will become the subject matter for discussion and analysis. However, the faculty and her associate would provide structured inputs for learning and reinforcement purposes.

The deliverance would include:

1. Structured Inputs

2. Customized training booklet acting both as a reference material and a learning diary.

3. Videos

4. Experiential Exercises

5. Self-Assessment Questionnaires

6. Business Games

7. Role plays (video recorded and played back)

8. Group Exercises

9. Situation based case lets

Timing of the Course

On Day 1 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.

On the second day training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.

Registration Fees

One participant Rs.12,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc for Two Days.

For two or more participant from the same organization Rs.11,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number, email-id through mail before 4th December 2015.

2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.

3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synpasetech eServices Pvt. Ltd”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Coordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi Email : /

Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.

Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Contact Persons : Ms. Mohini Tyagi
phone Ph: 0120 4221708, 9971114253

Leadership For Success

What makes the difference between indifferent, average and exceptional performance? It has been
acknowledged that effective leadership delivers exceptional results. Effective leaders empower their
organisation to create an environment where people


27th November 2015India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

What makes the difference between indifferent, average and exceptional performance? It has been
acknowledged that effective leadership delivers exceptional results. Effective leaders empower their
organisation to create an environment where people feel significant, learning and competence matter,
people are part of the team, work is exciting, where quality matters and dedication to work energises
effort. An effective leader marshals his limited resources to deliver exceptional results.

Are leaders born or can they be developed? While some leaders are born with an innate ability, it is
well conceded that leadership skills can be developed.

It is often asked, “Is there a best style of leadership?” Leadership is basically situational – the
effectiveness of a particular leadership style is contingent upon the situation in which it is used. Most
effective leaders appear to exhibit a degree of versatility and flexibility that enables them to adapt their
behavior to the changing and contradictory demands made on them.

In the present era of rapid change leadership is critical. Navigating in uncharted waters and complex
situations requires skill and wisdom. Leadership for Managers is designed to equip you with the
insights, skills and confidence to enhance your leadership effectiveness and maximise your potential to
meet these challenges robustly.

This is an interactive learning opportunity that examines the role of leaders in their own development
and the development of their teams. The design incorporates self-reflection exercises, group work,
presentations and case studies to engage participants in thought-provoking discussions.
The seminar is based on the theory of situational leadership developed by Dr Kenneth Blanchard and
uses a Hollywood film (12 O’clock High – starring Gregory Peck) as a case study to anchor the

Salient Features

At the end of the workshop you would

· Be familiar with the historical development in leadership theory.

· Be familiar with the theory of Situational Leadership.

· Have the ability to identify different situations and the appropriate leadership styles.

· Have the versatility and flexibility to adapt the leadership style to the changing and contradictory

· Managing for exceptional results with dynamic goal setting, feedback and control and corrective

· Develop a strategy suitable to your situation.


· The programme would be entirely based on interactive adult learning process.

· Presentations

· Discussions

· Case Studies / Exercises· Films (Hollywood film – 12 O’clock High starring Gregory Peck)

· Simulation and experiential learning be supplemented by concept building lecture.

· Reading material and tools shall also be used to facilitate learning.

You will be a part of a learning community with the opportunity to learn and develop through
experience. Group work will provide you an opportunity to learn more about how you influence and
motivate others. You will support, challenge and learn from other managers, developing a high level of
trust and mutual respect.

The case studies and film will anchor the learning in memory for instant
recall at any time over the years for your benefit.

Learning Objectives

· Defining leadership

· Historical development in leadership theory

· Approaches to understand leadership

· Desired traits of leaders

· Roles played at different levels in the hierarchy versus needed skills

· Identifying personal leadership style and comparing with any given situation

· Understanding Situational Leadership Model

· Understanding different leadership styles

· Assessing the Developmental Level of the team members

· Building winning teams

· Building cohesiveness in team

· Building motivated and effective teams

· Obstacles to effective team work

· Leader’s role in addressing team issues

· Managing relationships to achieve goals

· Communicating effectively in teams

· Receiving and delivering feedback

· Giving timely and productive feedback

· Leading through conflict situations

· Understanding the antecedents to conflicts

· Developing the next level of potentials within the organization

· Developing subordinates through coaching

· Developing team members through delegation


At the end of the program you will be a more confident and effective leader with a greater
understanding of your own behavior and its impact on others.

The program will help you increase your contribution to your organization, and make sustainable
changes to your leadership and enhance your effectiveness. You will be a high contributing and more
self-aware leader-manager.

Timing of the Course

On Day 1 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.

Session Plan

Session 1

Course Introduction

· Introduction

· Program Objectives

· Delegates requirements for the course.

Session 2

Review of Leadership Theories & Situational Leadership

· Review of development of Leadership Theories over the years

· Trait Approach, Fatal Flaws, Attitudinal Approach, Managerial Grid

· Situational Leadership styles

· Development Level of Followers

· Matching Leadership Style to the Situation

Session 3

Introduction to the Case Study

· Introduction to the case study.

· Defining the task.

Session 4

Discussions on the Case Study

· Discussions on the case study

· Extracting the learning points from the case study

· Devloping a personal strategy

Session 5

Exercises / Anchoring the learning

· Exercises

· Developing a personal strategy

· Anchoring the learning.

Session 6

Valedictory Session

· Replying to Questions of Participants and Clarification of Doubts.

· Feed Back of the Programme.

Registration Fees

One participant Rs. 6,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc for One Day.

For two or more participant from the same organization Rs. 5,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number, email-id through mail before 16th November 2015.

2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.

3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Strategic HR and Training”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Coordinator Ms Roquia Email : /

Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.

Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Labour Law

There are number of labour laws applicable to run a business organisation. Therefore each organisation needs to know about them, so that they can be complied with. In case of any failure, ignorance of law will not be acceptable. In the modern times, all corporate organisations therefore make every effort to ensure that all labour laws as applicable to their kind of organisation


4th November 2015 India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

There are number of labour laws applicable to run a business organisation. Therefore each organisation needs to know about them, so that they can be complied with. In case of any failure, ignorance of law will not be acceptable. In the modern times, all corporate organisations therefore make every effort to ensure that all labour laws as applicable to their kind of organisation where they are complied with.

Moreover the programme allows you to catch up on all developments in this filed with value for all those who need to stay on top of this area of law. It helps in creating a healthy work culture in organisation with employers and employees. With the objective of making the corporate managers aware about the most important of such laws and their broad provisions, the programme has been organised

Course Objectives

1. The Employees Provident Fund Act 1952 & Pension Scheme 1995.
2. The Employees State Insurance Scheme (ESIC) 1948.
3. The Contract Labour Act, 1970.
4. The Payment of Bonus Act 1948.
5. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
6. The Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923.
7. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
8. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
The programe will cover the following aspects for above acts:
• Coverage & applicability
• Important highlights
• Compliance aspects
• Care to be taken by the employer to avoid penal consequences
• Important judicial pronouncements
• Practical issues in day to day compliance.

Take Away’s

• Contract Labour Act / PF / ESIC: – Procedure for Registration, obtaining Labour License & obtain Code Number
• Contract Employees: – Bonus; Gratuity; Retrenchment Compensation payable by whom.
• ESI, PF & Contract Labour Act are applicable to whom and their registration procedure
• Unemployment benefit – payable under the ESI Act.
• ESI Covered Employees after retirement – whether they are coverable under the Act.
• Practice, procedure and other areas of interest under PF, ESI, Employees Compensation Act.
• Calculation and Forfeiture of Gratuity and Bonus.
• Calculation of compensation Employment injury under Employees Compensation Act.
• What is the maximum limit under the Gratuity Act, for which Income tax exemption can be claimed?

• Whether voluntary coverage is possible under ESI & PF.

• Excluded Employee under Provident Fund.

• Under Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme under PF what is maximum amount payable?

• Permissible deductions under the payment of wages act.

• ESI & PF payment has to be made before which date.

• When female employee is entitled for the maternity benefit and when it can be forfeited.

• Whether monthly Bonus is payable under the Bonus Act.

• What is maximum Amount payable under the Payment of Bonus Act?

• Who are not entitled for bonus under the payment of Bonus Act?

• What is salary / wages (Basic + D.A) limit and on what amount Bonus is calculated.

• Minimum number of attendance required for eligibility of bonus.

• Is there limit for ex-gratia payment?

• Whether ESIC Act is Applicable after attaining the 60 years of age.

• What is the magic salary / wages of Rs. 6500/- (Basic + D.A) under Provident Fund Act.

• Maternity Benefit Act is applicable to which establishment / factory.

• Whether annual return under Maternity Benefit Act has to be filed.

• If Gross Salary is Rs. 8500/- and Basic Salary is Less than Minimum Wages; then on which salary PF should be deducted.

Who should attend

• Corporate (Manufacturing, Trading and Service Industry)

• HR Personnel and Pay Roll Processing Personnel

• Admin and Finance Department Personnel

• Traders and Businessmen

• Labour Law Practioners

• Salary Department

• Labour Law Compliance Personnel

• Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Cost Accountant,

• Advocates, Chartered Financial Analyst


Contact Us Ms. Mohini Tyagi

Call 0120 4221708, 0120 4221702


Timing of the Course

Registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm on 4th November 2015 at Willow Hall India habitat Center.

Registration Fees

1 Participant Rs. 6,000 + Service Tax
3 or More Participants From Same Organisation Rs. 5,500 + Service Tax Per Participant

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number,email-id through mail before 2 November 2015
2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synapsetech eServices Pvt Ltd”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Cordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Contact Persons : Ms. Mohini Tyagi
phone Ph: 0120 4221708, 9971114253

Business Communication Writing Skills

“What to say ,How to say it & When to Say”
The ability to communicate effectively is a skill vital in all workplaces.
In this enjoyable hands-on workshop, develop the skills necessary to communicate clearly in face to face situations and produce effective written documents including; letters, reports and e-mail.


15th October 2015 India Habitat Center

Course Overview

The ability to communicate effectively is a skill vital in all workplaces.

In this enjoyable hands-on workshop, develop the skills necessary to communicate clearly in face to face situations and produce effective written documents including; letters, reports and e-mail.
Through discussion, exercises and constructive feedback gain the skills to express yourself confidently in all business situations.

Learn how to use these elements as an intentional and conscious tool in order to achieve a positive first impression in every social and business situation.

Course Objectives

Types of Communication

Non-Verbal Communication

Identify other people’s body language and know what they really mean: whatever they may be saying.

Use body language to make you appear more confident, powerful, trusting, etc depending on what the situation may require from you.
Communication under Time Pressure

How to avoid conflict in the workplace

WorkShop Agenda

Session 1

To create a positive learning environment through: Explaining the background, objectives and design of the program.
• Beginning the process of breaking down communication barriers and the building of interpersonal rapport

• Initiating the process of interaction and experience sharing.

Session 2

Communicating in Work Teams
• Recognize their role in the process of communicating within and outside the organization.

• Develop the skills of overcoming communication barriers.

• Understand the need for assertive communication

Session 3

Active Listening
• Know Effective & ineffective listening habits
• Develop sound listening skills

Session 4

Effective Written Communication
• Draft communication keeping the audience in view
• Write effective letters, memos, and reports
• Write persuasively

Session 5

Effective Use of Phones and E-mail
• Use telephone effectively and courteously
• Use e-mail effectively and efficiently

Session 6

Non-verbal Communication
• Understand the need for non-verbal communication
• Know the different functions of non-verbal communication

Workshop Date/Venue

15th October 2015 At India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003

Who should attend

This Course is ideal for individuals and managers who must continue to perfect their business communication skills for a professional and a business environment.

No formal prior management training is necessary.


This Course will be highly participative with the participants doing exercises under the guidance of the course leader. The training method follows this general pattern:
• Trainer presentation

• Demonstration of the principles through specific examples

• Training exercises

• Syndicate work

• Skill practice/Role play

• Group discussion

• Supported with full written notes to take away

Action planning by participants to implement back at their workplace

Meet The Faculity

Shiffolika Kapila

Shiffolika Kapila has 15 years of work experience specializes in designing and facilitating
soft skill programs. She is a communication and an expert in spoken English.
She works with her clients all the way from needs assessment through design/delivery and evaluation.


Delivered training programs for distinguished list of clients in industries such as Government, Automobile, IT, ITES, Banks, Hospitals, Media & Airlines.


Conducts training Programs on Voice and Accent, Culture, Communication Skills, Telephone etiquette, Customer Service, Business Communication and Etiquette, Presentation skills, Business English, Personality Development, Interview skills and Train the Trainers.


Has been a part of teams, conducting Adventure and Experiential based learning programmes.


Developed new business as well as managed key and large accounts for NIS Sparta’s ITES vertical.


Worked on a project for the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in collaboration with Mc Kinsey, and assessed 450 people, through the use of a standardized assessment tool called the rubric.
The focus was on language skills-written and spoken. In conjunction with this – prepared a
comparative report after an in depth analysis of the language skills and ability levels.


Have received focused language training and methodology from Dr. Diane Sol – a language specialist from the University of California, Davis. Her experience in the ITES and the IT industry enables her to integrate practical knowledge, the technicality of the language and the soft skills required on the shop floor, with her training style and creativity. Also a certified Trainer by Arjun Raina. Has undergone a comprehensive Train the Trainer Module.


Currently working with Max Healthcare in the area of talent development . The role is to conduct workshops on Spoken English, Business Communication, Corporate Etiquette, and Excellence in customer relationship, Business English, Grooming and Personality Development, Presentation skills and Interview Skills, Pan-Max. Execute projects that include setting up of Standard Operating Procedures, quality processes, hiring new staff, training, assessment and calibration.

Timing of the Course

On Day 1 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.

Registration Fees

One participant Rs.6,000/-(Plus 14% Service Tax) . which includes lunch, tea, course material etc for One Days.

For Three or more participant from the same organization Rs.5,500/- (Plus 14% Service Tax)per participant.

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number, email-id through mail before 13th October 2015.

2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.

3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synapsetech eServices Pvt Ltd”.
Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Coordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi
Email : /
Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Stress Management & Work Life Balance

Through highly interactive learning, participants would apply simple stress management tools to getting more of what’s important to them done in less time. A realistic and positive vision is instilled that identifies each one’s stressors and brings them in perspective.


16th October 2015India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Objective

Through highly interactive learning, participants would apply simple stress management tools to getting more of what’s important to them done in less time. A realistic and positive vision is instilled that identifies each one’s stressors and brings them in perspective.

Training Program

• Identifying each ones stress nodes and manage the Intensity duration and frequency of stressors

• Understanding the concept of chakras in our body

• The tool for staying calm and in focus despite stress-know your “Optimum zone”

• Reduced stress through improved organization

• Saving time and reducing stress with improved listening

• How to create important time just for you

• How to reduce stress in others

• More stability & happiness through Work Life balance

Training Methdology

The training method followed would be participative offering delegates to practice by doing exercise with the trainer. The participants will learn to exercise the power of choice-choose to release what drains you and embrace what nourishes you.


1. Introductory Session
• Participants introduction, their expectations from the program
• Each individual to assess their stress nodes

2. Session 1

• Understanding the 4 types of stress

• Conceptual clarity using Walter Cannon and Hans Selye’s studies , the Yerkes –Dodson law, Holmes and Rahe’s stress scale etc

• Self Analysis instrument to facilitate the identification process

3. Session 2

• Coping with stress- natural responses

• Balancing the chakra’s

• Cognitive Therapy

4. Session 4

• Work Life Balance

• Time Management

5. Session 5

• Law of attraction

• Transactional model


Contact Us Ms. Mohini Tyagi
Call 0120 4221708, 0120 4221702

Timing of the Course

Registration is between 9.15-9.25 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm on 16 October 2015. Venue : Willow Hall India Habitat Center New Delhi

Registration Fees

1 Participant Rs. 6,000 + Service Tax
3 or More Participants From Same Organisation Rs. 5,500 + Service Tax Per Participant

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number,email-id through mail before 14 October 2015
2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synapsetech eServices Pvt Ltd”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Cordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Contact Persons : Ms. Mohini Tyagi
phone Ph: 0120 4221708, 9971114253

Competency Mapping and Interviewing Skills

Competencies are central to all HR systems and provide direction to the HR team for building the capabilities of human capital, thus impacting the business dimensions of an organization.
17th & 18th March 2016India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

Competencies are central to all HR systems and provide direction to the HR team for building the capabilities of human capital, thus impacting the business dimensions of an organization. A recruitment interview that is not competency based is like groping in the dark for the right fit or any HR Strategy without a competency framework is like shooting an arrow in the dark. Tying up all HR Systems and sub-systems to the competency framework, (like Recruitment & Selection, Training & Development, Performance Management System, Promotion System, Career Planning system, etc) will mean a comprehensive development for an organization.

The course will simplistically provide a practical insight into one of the most complex subjects in HR. The two days workshop will be a detailed concept sharing and implementation process.

The course will ensure understanding of the concepts and their implementation. It should help you in designing a competency framework for your organization.

Course Objectives

This course will focus on the following:

• Understand competencies
• Understanding Competency mapping and its practical implication
• Mapping competencies as per levels, grades and functions
• Defining the competency dictionary and levels therein
• Understanding the tools of competency assessment
• Designing an assessment centre
• Conducting a mock assessment centre
• Noting the observations
• Making assessments, consensus to decide a level
• Report generation

Training Methodology

The workshop will be structured enough to achieve the above objectives but would be flexible to incorporate individual inputs and learning. The workshop will be experiential and would focus on practical application of theoretical inputs. The workshop will have the following components:
• Theoretical inputs
• Case study and simulation exercises
• Psychometric tests and their relation to assessment centers
• Management games to assess competencies
• In-tray exercise for assessment purposes
• Group discussions
The workshop would be largely interactive and discussions based.

Meet The Faculty

Neeraj Agarwal 49 years old, an HR Consultant with over 26 years of work experience and over 20 years in HR Consulting. He last worked with Hotel The Oberoi, New Delhi as the Training Head and since then he has been successfully running his own HR Consulting company “NA Human Resource Solution Pvt Ltd” in New Delhi. He has worked with several organizations of repute taking them on the path of geometric growth through various HR interventions.

He essentially works in the areas of Training, Coaching and HR Systems like Competency Framework, PMS etc. He would have conducted over 350 workshops in the last 20 years, thereby covering over 5000 people in his workshops covering varied industries like Electrical Cables & Power, Sports, IT, Cement, Infrastructure, Engineering, Hotels, Apparels, Footwear, etc.

The workshop would be largely interactive and discussions based.

• Certified Executive Coach by ICF (International Coach Federation) though Results Coaching System
• MBTI Qualified by APT (Association of Psychological Types), USA, trained by Ms Linda Kirby
• Certified on PPA DISC Profile by Thomas International
• Certified on “Hay’s Guide Charts Method” by Hay’s Consultants India
• Certified on “Competency Mapping”
• Certified on “HRD Audit”
• Certified in “Transactional Analysis”
• “Balanced Score Card” Practitioner

Timing of the Course

On 22nd September 2015 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm for Both the days.

Registration Fees

One participant Rs.12,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc.
For three or more participant from the same organization Rs.11,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number,email-id through mail before 18 September 2015

2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.

3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synapsetech eServices Pvt Ltd”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Cordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi
Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301

4. Early registration will be appreciated

Contact Persons : Ms. Mohini Tyagi
phone Ph: 0120 4221708, 9971114253

Time Management & Prioritization

We all waste time and give it fancy names. We may blame family, organization, co-workers, people and so on. Even if it is true, Can we really change them? The only person one really has control over is oneself. If we analyse “Where time has gone?” more often than not the culprit would be I, myself.


8th October 2015 India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

We all waste time and give it fancy names. We may blame family, organization, co-workers, people and so on. Even if it is true, Can we really change them? The only person one really has control over is oneself. If we analyse “Where time has gone?” more often than not the culprit would be I, myself.

Since time can not be managed, what do we do? We can better manage ourselves, our life & the things that we do to be able to decrease pressures on our time. This programme shall help you to achieve the same.

Course Objectives

• Focus on priority tasks
• Minimize interruptions that reduce your productivity
• Set priorities and manage your time to meet deadlines
• Set and achieve goals
• Get over internal barriers when putting your goals and plans in action,
effectively organize your daily actions
• Make smarter decisions faster
• Uncover better options
• Work in a team or build one
• Prevent burnout
• Manage multiple priorities and incoming requests

Key Takeaways

• Gain an understanding of where our time is spent
• Develop the mindset to overcome time management obstacles and work more efficiently
• Identify tools to plan, organize, and manage our time
• Leverage our time and increase productivity by reducing stress and working smarter, not harder
• Plan and conduct effective meetings
• Use the planning process for effective leadership and time management
• Become more innovative in improving process, services and problem solving
• Understand motivation and how to develop it within ourselves and others

Workshop Date/Venue

15th July 2015 At Willow Hall (Ist Floor) India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003

Who should attend

This Programme has been specifically designed for New and Experienced Managers and Supervisors – be it in Private/Public Sector Organizations, Multinational Companies or Government Organizations.


Emphasis will be on Experiential learning with a mix of
• Simulation
• Role play
• Small Group work
• Syndicate presentation
• Conceptual input
• Personal Action Plan

Timing of the Course

On Day 1 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.

Session Plan

Session 1- Preliminaries

1. Understanding the realities of time
2. List barriers to successful time management.

Session II- Set priorities and manage your time to meet deadlines
Session III- Write SMART goals and explain their benefit.
Session IV- Develop an action plan for better use of time.

Session V- Demonstrate how to say “no.”
Eliminating Time Wasters for Good
Delegate tasks and assignments.

Registration Fees

One participant Rs.6,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc for One Day.
For three or more participant from the same organization Rs.5,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number, email-id through mail before 6th October 2015.
2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Strategic HR and Training”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Coordinator Ms Roquia Email : /
Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Advance MS Excel

This program is designed for executives who want to build on Microsoft Excel skills. This course will cover all aspects of creating spreadsheets, performing calculations, formatting and using page setup for printing.Getting Excel to make decisions using the ‘If’ function and conditional formatting, You’ll learn how to create templates for commonly used worksheets. This course will also enable you to create, build and customise graphs.


9th October 2015India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

This program is designed for executives who want to build on Microsoft Excel skills. This course will cover all aspects of creating spreadsheets, performing calculations, formatting and using page setup for printing.Getting Excel to make decisions using the ‘If’ function and conditional formatting, You’ll learn how to create templates for commonly used worksheets. This course will also enable you to create, build and customise graphs.

In this workshop you will also explore with more advanced features of Microsoft Excel that help in improving their efficiency of working with worksheets, analyzing data, creating MIS reports, and automating various tasks.

Course Objectives

Excel Basics

Moving About the Workbook
Simple Data Entry and Selecting Ranges
Saving Workbook Formats
Copying & Filling
Using Fill for Quick Copying and Copying Cell(s) to One/Many Cells & Worksheets
Editing Data

Overwriting and Editing Cell Contents, Editing Formulae or Functions or Using Undo/Redo/Search & Replace

Adjusting a Worksheet
Basics like Inserting/Deleting Cells/Inserting/Deleting/Resizing Rows/Columns
Copying/Moving/Renaming Worksheet(s)
Inserting/Deleting/Grouping Worksheets
Hiding & Unhiding Worksheets

Formulae & Working with Functions

Formulae that Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide
BODMAS/Formula Error Checking
The Sum Function
Summing Non-Contiguous Ranges •Count/ Average/Maximum/Minimum Functions
Paste Special to Copy Formulae/Formats/Validations • Paste Special to Add/Multiple & Transpose

Formatting in Excel

• Formatting Numbers/Dates/Currency
• Formatting for Effect Bolding/ Italics/ Underling
• Cell/Background Colours
• Cell Alignment

Working and Viewing Worksheets

Hiding/Unhiding Columns/Rows • Freezing Panes/Splitting Windows
Absolute Referencing
Problems with Absolute/Relative Cell Referencing, Creating Absolute/Mixed References
Define Names & Lables
Creating/Deleting Labels/ Names • Creating/Using Names in Formulas/ Across Workbooks

Working with advance Functions

Writing conditional expressions (using IF)
Using nested IFs
Using logical functions (AND, OR & NOT)
Using lookup and reference functions (VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP)
Limitation of Vlookup and how to avoid it by using INDEX &INDEX

Data Validation

Creating Input Messages and Error Alerts
Specifying a valid range of values for a cell
Specifying a list of valid values for a cell
Creating list based on other sheet data(new features of Excel 2007/2010)
Specifying custom validations based on formula for a cell
Conditional Formating

Sorting and Filtering Data

Sorting tables
Using multiple-level sorting
Using custom sorting
Filtering data for selected view (AutoFilter)
Using advanced filter options
Extracting/removing duplicate record from database

Working with professional Reports

Creating subtotals
Multiple-level subtotals
Creating Pivot tables
Using Slicer in Pivot table(new features)
Using advance options in Pivot table(with new features of Excel 2007/2010)
Formatting and customizing Pivot tables
Using advanced options of Pivot tables
Pivot charts
Consolidating data from multiple sheets and files using Pivot tables
Using external data sources

Working with PowerPivot(new features in Excel 2007/2010)

Introducing PowerPivot feature in Excel
Importing backend data
Using validation while importing data
Importing Excel data
Working with 64bit OS
Working with huge no of Rows

More Functions

Date and time functions(TODAY, NOW, YEAR, MONTH, DAY & DATEDIF)
Text functions(TEXT, LEFT, RIGHT, MID & CONCATENATE etc)

Working with Styles & Formatting

Cell Styles
Creating lists using Table
Formatting the structure of a list
Conditional Formatting
Using formula/function in Conditional Formatting
Using large no of icons and bars in Conditional Formatting(new features in Excel 2007/2010)

What-If Analysis using Financial Function (PMT,PPMT & IPMT)

Using goal seek
Using data tables
Creating and editing scenarios

Working with Charts and Templates

Inserting Chart
Playing with different options and different type of chart
Using Sparklines, i.e. inserting chart in single cell(new features of Excel 2010)
Creating Templates in Excel

Who should attend

This Microsoft Excel training course has been developed for executives /Managers working in organisations wanting to use more complex functions within MS Excel.

Timing of the Course

On Day 1 registration is between 9.15-9.25 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.

Meet The Faculty

Ms Madhu Bahl

Some people are borne to teach as it’s their DNA – a desire to teach what they know with a larger audience and Madhu Bahl exemplifies the same. She has a tenacious commitment and passion to train/teach.Madhu is an accomplished and seasoned professional who after completing her Engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunications has been in the Teaching profession as a Corporate Trainer as well as Visiting faculty to students in various MBA institutes. Successfully developed skills in understanding, designing, implementing and training on various systems with good understanding of the customer needs.

She brings 22 years of progressive teaching experience and has expertise in the IT and related subjects.

She has taught and trained in IT related courses to a wide range of corporate audience. As a Corporate trainer she has trained at NTPC, SAIL, Aricent, Vanderlande Ayurvet Shoppers Stop to name a few.

As a Trainer and Training Consultant she has been associated with Corporates and Training Companies like NIIT ,Strategic Hr and Training and Various Polytechnics.

She is a visiting faculty at management campuses like IIPM, ICFP, NBA, WLC, IWSB, ASKIME, MAII.

She was adjudged Best lecturer by Multiple Reputed Management institutes on for the year 2009/10.

Registration Fees

One participant Rs.6,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc for One Day.

For Three or more participant from the same organization Rs. 5,500 + Service Tax.

(It is Mandatory for every participant to bring Laptop with MS Excel Version 2007/2010 in their laptop for Training workshop.)

Workshop Date/Venue

15th May 2015 At India Habitat Centre,Lodhi Road,New Delhi 110003.

(It is Mandatory for every participant to bring Laptop with MS Excel Version 2007/2010 in their laptop for Training workshop.)

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number,email-id through mail before 6th October 2015.

2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.

3. It is Mandatory for every participant to bring Laptop with MS Excel Version 2007/2010 in their laptop for Training workshop.

4. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Strategic HR and Training”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Coordinator Ms Roquia Siddiqui

Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.

Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
5. Early registration will be appreciated
(It is Mandatory for every participant to bring Laptop with MS Excel Version 2007/2010 in their laptop for Training workshop.)

Companies act

Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) is a landmark legislation. The Companies Act, 2013 clearly indicates focus of regulators toward enhancing the responsibility and accountability of boards. The Act outlines various requirements for Governance, disclosures and enhanced roles, responsibilities and liabilities of the board, its committees and independent directors.


10th & 11th September 2015 India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) is a landmark legislation. The Companies Act, 2013 clearly indicates focus of regulators toward enhancing the responsibility and accountability of boards. The Act outlines various requirements for Governance, disclosures and enhanced roles, responsibilities and liabilities of the board, its committees and independent directors.

Our workshop aims to provide a truly complete view on the changes sweeping the landscape of corporate governance in India. It addresses some important questions about the new Companies Act of 2013 and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Clause 49 reforms.

Session Plan

Session 1

  • Highlights of Important Changes
  • Critical analysis of Notified Sections
  • Restrictions on raising public deposit
  • Session 2
    Board and Governance
    Meetings and Minutes
    Board of Directors

  • Appointment and qualification of Directors
  • Key Managerial Personnel & Independent Director
  • Chairman & Managing Director of Multiple Businesses Company –
  • Meaning of multiple businesses
  • Independent Director and Nominee Director
  • Board Meetings
  • Directors’ remuneration
  • Board Report
  • Board Committees

  • Audit committee, Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee, Shareholders’ Relationship Committee
    Prohibited activities for Board Members
  • Restrictions on Loan Directors and related
    party transactions

    Annual Return
    Session 3

  • Books of Accounts , Corporate Reporting & Distribution to Shareholders
  • Consolidation
  • Change in depreciation charge
  • Dividend
  • Buy back of shares
  • Audit and Auditors
  • Restricted services
  • Rotation of auditors
  • Cost audit
  • Internal audit
  • Internal Financial Control
  • Session 4

  • CSR Regulations and Policies
  • Session 5

  • Grievance Redressal Mechanism
  • Inspection, Inquiry and Investigation
  • National Company Law Tribunal and Appellate Tribunal
    Special Courts
  • Prevention of fraud
  • Serious Fraud Investigation Office ( SFIO)
  • Facilitator

    Dr. Amit Bagga is a qualified Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and Accountant from the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India. Additionally, He is a Ph.D. and a Masters in Commerce from the University of Delhi.

    He has more than 16 years of experience in Training & Teaching. He has been involved in Derivative Strategies,Account Planning, Monitoring of Finance and Audits. He has been actively involved in Financial Project Analysis, Forecasting and Financial Management.

    Various programs that he has conducted are Management Development Programs, Finance for Non-Finance Managers, Financial Risk Management, Financial Planning, Management Accounting, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management.

    He has a knack of making complex finance issue look simple and easy to understand.

    Some of the organizations where he has conducted training are: Bank of America, HUDCO, Herbal Life, Unicharm India, Roop Auto, Bajaj Capital, Ennexco Engineering, UCO Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Lord Krishna Bank ,Akon International (U.S.A. Inc.) ,Ennexco Engineering Pvt. Ltd. , Pepsico., Gurgaon ,Britannia industries ltd., Delhi. Etc.

    Timing of the Course

    On 10th September 2015 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm for Both the days.

    Registration Fees

    One participant Rs.12,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc.
    For three or more participant from the same organization Rs.11,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.

    Registration Procedure

    1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number,email-id through mail before 8th September 2015
    2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
    3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synapsetech eServices Pvt Ltd”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Cordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi
    Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
    Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
    4. Early registration will be appreciated

    Contact Persons : Ms. Mohini Tyagi
    phone Ph: 0120 4221708, 9971114253

    Emotional Intelligence & Interpersonal Skills

    Emotional intelligence has often been described by experts as a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage


    16th September 2015 India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure


    Emotional intelligence has often been described by experts as a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage feelings, handle stress and stay focused.

    An emotionally competent employee is likely to be more committed to the organization. Organisations need to create an emotionally developed workforce through constant and consistent efforts in that direction.

    Take Away’s

    The key take away would be:
    • Building curiosity in one’s own self and emotions,
    •Develop an intentionality in your behavior through Self Control and relatedness to the social environment
    • Making you more confident in being able to communicate assertively.
    • Enhance your ability to perceive accurately, appraise and express emotion;
    • Being able to access and/or generate feelings when they facilitate thought
    • Regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth.

    Course Objectives

    • To enable the participants to improve their
    • ability to perceive accurately, appraise and express emotion;
    • ability to access and/or generate feelings when they facilitate thought
    • ability to understand emotion and emotional knowledge
    • ability to regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth.

    Workshop Contents

    The workshop would cover 5 determinants of Emotional Intelligence
    Self-awareness Understanding and knowing your emotions, recognizing feelings as they occur, and discriminating between them

    Self-motivation Using Emotions and “gathering up” your feelings and directing yourself towards a goal, despite self-doubt, inertia, and impulsiveness

    Mood management or Self-Management Managing Emotions and handling feelings so they’re relevant to the current situation and you react appropriately

    Social Awareness & Empathy Perceiving Emotions and recognizing feelings in others and tuning into their verbal and nonverbal cues

    Relationship Management handling interpersonal interaction, conflict resolution, and negotiations


    Each participant would start with a self-assessment prior to the workshop that identifies her/his Emotional Intelligence quotient. Through the various activities, games and role plays during the workshop, the participants get to know themselves, how they act (or react) in various situations, and the areas where they are effective or ineffective as emotionally intelligent individuals. The gaps or the skill enhancement areas are addressed by relating these to the five key determinants of Emotional Intelligence.

    Why you should attend

    Research in brain-based learning suggests that emotional health is fundamental to effective learning and understanding. This training program will help you improve your own personal leadership by learning to manage your emotions and perform at your best when you are in high pressure situations. You will also gain critical skills that will enable you to influence and coach others, regardless of your position in your organization. It would help in bringing out the best in ourselves and others as well.

    Timing of the Course

    On 16th September 2015 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.

    Registration Fees

    One participant Rs.6,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc.
    For three or more participant from the same organization Rs.5,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.

    Registration Procedure

    1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number,email-id through mail before 14th September 2015
    2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
    3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synapsetech eServices Pvt Ltd”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Cordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi
    Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
    Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
    4. Early registration will be appreciated

    Contact Persons : Ms. Mohini Tyagi
    phone Ph: 0120 4221708, 9971114253