Corporate Training – An Investment In Knowledge Pays The Best Interest

Corporate Training – An Investment In Knowledge Pays The Best Interest

Strategic HR and Training


“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”, Benjamin Franklin. Corporate Training and skill development is an absolutely vital part of a company’s long-term investment and growth strategy. You would be hard pressed to find a manager, or even employer, who was totally confident in their employee training and development program or efforts. It is an often overlooked part of employee investment.


According to the IMF, India is projected to become the 6thlargest global economy by 2020 and the 3rd largest (behind China and the US) by 2030. To put this in perspective – currently India is home to only 7 companies in the Global Fortune 500, compared to 128 based in the US and 98 in China! So the next decade and a half will see the number of Indian companies in the Global Fortune 500 list growing to at least 100.

Large economies like the US have always stayed ahead of such disruptive cycles in business and technology, by sustained focus and large strategic investments in research, innovation and human capital. On the human capital front, as per industry reports, US companies on an average budget 8-10% of their total employee spend on training, with a total annual outlay of over $100 billion. This is also a market that has been growing at 15% year-on-year since 2012.


India is currently a much smaller economy at about a tenth of the US. However, even at this size the corporate training market is disproportionately small, with estimated spends of only 1-2% of employee costs and a total outlay of less than $1 billion. However this trend is slowly changing with the realization of the importance corporate training for organizational progressiveness. The corporate training market is expected to reach INR 32 billion by 2020.

In the competitive globalized business landscape, organizations are in continual search of ways and means to outperform their competitors. It is being increasingly recognized that in the volatile business environment when work activities and structures are fast changing, the ability of an organization to harness the potential of its human resource is critical for their survival and success.

Recently many studies have found that non-financial motivators can be just as effective, if not more, than monetary rewards. Employees are looking for learning and development offerings that will help them on their professional journey in the long run. Here are some interesting stats to ponder on for Human Resource professionals –

As one of the top three non-financial motivators, 76% of employees want opportunities for career growth.

—  87% of millennials say professional development or career growth opportunities are very important.

—  25% of employees would be more satisfied at work if they were given the opportunity to do what they do best.

—  Only 37% of employees indicated they were “very satisfied” and 51% “somewhat satisfied” with their jobs.

—  Training and development spend has risen by 15% in the last year (2015) alone.

—  Spend on corporate training has grown to over $70 billion in the United States (2016) alone.

—  Research also tells us that over 70% of learning on the job occurs informally.  68% of workers say training and development is the most important workplace policy.


The organizations are analyzing the HR training needs depending on their goals and priorities. Employee Training and Development efforts are seen by employees as an investment in them. One thing is for sure, employee development is a high demand as a motivator. Offering learning, development and training is a competitive advantage in business for a many of reasons, not the least of which is that the organization ends up with knowledgeable, capable employees who are more invested in a company that invests in them.


Today “Quality talent” or “Engaged employees” desire the skill development and want to be more valuable and versatile. As a result from big corporates to SMEs, all are beginning to search for innovative ways to attract quality talent, bridge the skill gap and give its employees a reason to stay – employee development it is. Attraction and retention are such huge issues in talent management right now; organisations would be wise to start investing more resources into their employee training and development.  At Strategic HR and Training we cater to the fact that retention, managing attrition and engaging a demanding and versatile workforce are the key challenges. Our training services provide the perfect bridge to close this gap!


Managerial effectiveness

It may give you happiness, but may not always be easy be a manager with staff reporting to you. Often you are promoted based on your current skills sets for a job well done and the expectation that you can perform equally well at the next higher level. You might only have seen managerial actions of others to guide you. Sometimes the transition is easy, but more often managers who now face the role of having to direct others and communicate with many different levels and departments can soon find themselves stretched.This course is designed to help managers ‘fit the pieces together and see the bigger picture’. It is designed to develop the knowledge and skills in the manager necessary to manage and supervise staff to ensure the objectives of the organization are met, while developing the team and individuals to enhance their performance. This course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the principles of managerial excellence.


Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

It may give you happiness, but may not always be easy when you are promoted as a manager with staff reporting to you. Often you are promoted based on your current skills sets for a job well done and the expectation that you can perform equally well at the next higher level. You might only have seen managerial actions of others to guide you. Sometimes the transition is easy, but more often managers who now face the role of having to direct others and communicate with many different levels and departments can soon find themselves stretched.

This course is designed to help the first time manager ‘fit the pieces together and see the bigger picture’. It is designed to develop the knowledge and skills in the first time manager necessary to manage and supervise staff to ensure the objectives of the organization are met, while developing the team and individuals to enhance their performance. This course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the principles of managerial excellence.

Course Objectives

This intensive two-day course introduces the new manager to the fundamentals of the managerial role. It focuses on

the essential skills of time management, people resource management, leadership skills, performance and change

At the end of the program, each participant will be able to:

• set clear targets for themselves and the team

• communicate with more clarity

• manage workplace behavior

• inspire others to give their best

• give and receive constructive feedback

• manage conflict situations

• prioritize tasks

• delegate tasks

• adapt to change

• lead the team with more effectiveness and confidence
The Course will cover

• The Roles of a Manager

• The Attributes of a Successful Manager

• The Need for Change

• Leading People and Building Teams

• Managing Conflicts in a Team

• Positive Ways to Inspire and Lead

• Communicating Effectively

• Feedback and Performance Appraisal

• Managing Meetings and Managing Time

• Managing Behaviors at the Workplace

• Recap and Conclusion

Who should attend

This Course is ideal for people who have just been promoted

— or are about to be promoted

— to their first front-line management position.

No formal prior management training is necessary.

Training Methodology

This Course will be highly participative with the participants doing exercises under the guidance of the course leader. The training method follows this general pattern:

• Trainer presentation

• Demonstration of the principles through specific examples

• Training exercises

• Syndicate work

• Skill practice/Role play

• Group discussion

• Supported with full written notes to take away

• Action planning by participants to implement back at their workplace

• Management Games

Registration Fees

One participant Rs.12,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc for Two Days.
For two or more participant from the same organization Rs.11,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number, email-id through mail before 4th August 2015.

2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.

3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Strategic HR and Training”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Coordinator Ms Mohini Email : /
Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.

Please Send the Cheque to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301

4. Early registration will be appreciated

Contact Persons :
phone Ph: 0120 4221708, 9971114253

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Do you know how much time we spend in solving problems and taking decisions? Decisions are not always high valued ones of mergers or product development; our routine decisions also impact our organization, clients and people around us. ….


6th October 2016 India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

Do you know how much time we spend in solving problems and taking decisions?
Decisions are not always high valued ones of mergers or product development; our routine decisions also impact our organization, clients and people around us.

Everyday we face variety of problems and have to take impulsive decisions to resolve them. Based on what has worked in the past, we base our decisions and that when we fall into vicious circle of problem solving. This one-day program “Art of Decision Making” presents a structure and practical approach to help you solve problems and make informed decisions. Participants learn the six-step problem solving process by working onactual problems in session.

Course Objectives

• To understand the decision making process

• To diagnose and analyze the actual problem and its root causes

• To use creative thinking techniques to generate alternatives

• To evaluate alternatives and choose the best based on data

• To practice tools &techniques of decision making

• To create your personalized action plan

Who should attend

• Emerging Leaders

• Sales Professionals

• Managers In all disciplines seeking to take well informed decisions.

Workshop at a Glance

• Welcome Session

• Introduction to Decision Making Model

• Problem Solving Phase –Step 1-3

• Skill Practice Session – Case Based Activity

• Decision Making Phase –Step 4-6

• Risks in Decision Making

• Best practices, tools and techniques for decision making

• Create your own Decision Making Development Plan

How is it different

• Decision Making Style Assessment

• Practical Tools to implement at workplace

• Skill Building Sessions

Key Component

• Your Decision Making Style

• Identify the root cause of the problem

• Creative Thinking to generate alternatives

• Take Action

Registration Fees

One participant Rs. 6,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc for One Day.

For three or more participant from the same organization Rs. 5,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number, email-id through mail before 6th October 2016.

2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.

3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Strategic HR and Training”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Coordinator Ms Roquia Email : /

Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.

Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Advance MS Excel

This program is designed for executives who want to build on Microsoft Excel skills. This course will cover all aspects of creating spreadsheets, performing calculations, formatting and using page setup for printing.Getting Excel to make decisions using the


 India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

This program is designed for executives who want to build on Microsoft Excel skills. This course will cover all aspects of
creating spreadsheets, performing calculations, formatting and using page setup for printing.Getting Excel to make decisions using the ‘If’ function and conditional formatting, You’ll learn how to create templates for commonly usedworksheets. This course will also enable you to create, build and customise graphs. In this workshop you will also explore with more advanced features of Microsoft Excel that help in improving their efficiency of working with worksheets, analyzing data, creating MIS reports, and automating various tasks.

Session Plan

Using Mathematical Functions
The Basic SUM, COUNT, MIN, And MAX
SUMIF For Selective Adding Up
COUNTIF For Selective Counting
AVERAGEIF For The Mean Of Selected Cells
Multiple Criteria Within SUMIF, COUNTIF, And AVERAGEIF

IF Functionality
IF Syntax And Uses
Nesting The IF Statement
Use Of The AND Operator Within An IF
Use Of The OR Operator Within An IF
The NOT Operator Within AND And OR Statements
Display Cell Formulas In Another Cell

Performing Data Lookups
VLOOKUP: Syntax And Usage
VLOOKUP In Live Action
HLOOKUP: Variation On A Theme
Managing The Lookup Table

Further Mathematical Functions
Working With Time In Excel
Calculations Using Time
Useful Time And Date Functions
Rounding Decimal Places
MOD And INT Functions And Uses
Generate And Use A Random Number
Loan And Investment Calculations

Functions For Manipulating Text
LEFT And RIGHT: Text Manipulation
LEN And TRIM: String Extractions
FIND And MID: Text Functions Working Together
CONCATENATE: Building Strings From Multiple Cells Changing Case Functions
REPLACE And SUBSTITUTE: Two More String Manipulation Functions
Use Of CHAR Function For More Obscure Characters Formatting Numeric And Date Values Using TEXT
Keeping The Values Created By String Manipulation

Useful Data Functions
Using The MATCH Function
How The INDEX Function Works
Handling Out Of Range Index Requests
The CHOOSE Lookup Function
MATCH And INDEX Functions Working Together

What Is A PivotTable?
The New Recommended PivotTable Route
Creating Your Own PivotTables
Changing The Formatting And Formulas In PivotTable Summaries
Creating Multiple PivotTables On The Same Dataset
Moving And Deleting PivotTables
Making Use Of The Report Filter Options
Sorting The PivotTable Columns
Refreshing A PivotTable

Creating A PivotChart
Changing The Fields Used In A PivotChart
Formatting The PivotChart
Changing The PivotChart Type
Filtering A PivotChart
Hiding The PivotChart Buttons
Moving And Deleting PivotCharts

Goal Seek And Solver What-If Analysis
Using Goal Seek
Activating The Solver Add-In
Using Solver To Complete A What-If
Adding Constraints To Solver

What Is A Macro
Creating And Running Your First Macro
Saving Workbooks With Macros
Macro Security Settings For Workbooks With Macros
The Personal Macro Workbook
Deleting Macros
Use Of Relative Or Absolute Referencing
Trigger A Macro With A Keyboard Shortcut
Formatting With A Macro
Switch Scenarios And Views With Macros
Use Of Worksheet Buttons To Trigger Macros
Customizing Form Buttons And Other Shape Triggers
Assigning Macros To Ribbon Icons
Create Your Own Ribbon
View And Edit Macro Code

Registration Fees

One participant Rs.6,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc.
For three or more participant from the same organization Rs.5,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number,email-id through mail.
2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synapsetech eServices Pvt Ltd”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Cordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi
Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Contact Persons :
Ph: 0120 4221708, 9971114253

Time Management & Prioritization

We all waste time and give it fancy names. We may blame family, organization, co-workers, people and so on. Even if it is true, Can we really change them? The only person one really has control over is oneself. If we analyse “Where time has gone?” more often than


5th August 2016 India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

We all waste time and give it fancy names. We may blame family, organization, co-workers, people and so on. Even if it is true, Can we really change them? The only person one really has control over is oneself. If we analyse “Where time has gone?” more often than not the culprit would be I, myself.

Since time can not be managed, what do we do? We can better manage ourselves, our life & the things that we do to be able to decrease pressures on our time. This programme shall help you to achieve the same.

Take Away’s

• Gain an understanding of where our time is spent
• Develop the mindset to overcome time management obstacles and work more efficiently
• Identify tools to plan, organize, and manage our time
• Leverage our time and increase productivity by reducing stress and working smarter, not harder
• Plan and conduct effective meetings
• Use the planning process for effective leadership and time management
• Become more innovative in improving process, services and problem solving
• Understand motivation and how to develop it within ourselves and others

Timing of the Course

Registration is between 9.15-9.25 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm on
5th August 2016.
Venue : Willow Hall India Habitat Center New Delhi

Registration Fees

1 participant Rs.6,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc.
For 3 or more participant from the same organization Rs.5,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.

Course Objectives

• Focus on priority tasks
• Minimize interruptions that reduce your productivity
• Set priorities and manage your time to meet deadlines
• Set and achieve goals
• Get over internal barriers when putting your goals and plans in action
• Effectively organize your daily actions
• Make smarter decisions faster
• Uncover better options
• Work in a team or build one
• Prevent burnout
• Manage multiple priorities and incoming requests


Emphasis will be on Experiential learning with a mix of

• Simulation
• Role play
• Small Group work
• Syndicate presentation
• Conceptual input
• Personal Action Plan

Who should attend

This Programme has been specifically designed for New and Experienced Managers and Supervisors – be it in Private/Public Sector Organizations, Multinational Companies or Government Organizations.

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number,email-id through mail before 3rd August 2016.
2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synapsetech eServices Pvt Ltd”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Cordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi
Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Contact Persons : Ms. Mohini Tyagi
phone Ph: 0120 4221708, 9971114253

Labour Law 24 September 2016

There are number of labour laws applicable to run a business organisation. Therefore each organisation needs to know about them, so that they can be complied with. In case of any failure, ignorance of law will not be acceptable. In the modern times, all corporate organisations therefore make every effort to ensure that all labour laws as applicable to their kind of organisation


24th August 2016 India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

There are number of labour laws applicable to run a business organisation. Therefore each organisation needs to know about them, so that they can be complied with. In case of any failure, ignorance of law will not be acceptable. In the modern times, all corporate organisations therefore make every effort to ensure that all labour laws as applicable to their kind of organisation where they are complied with.

Moreover the programme allows you to catch up on all developments in this filed with value for all those who need to stay on top of this area of law. It helps in creating a healthy work culture in organisation with employers and employees. With the objective of making the corporate managers aware about the most important of such laws and their broad provisions, the programme has been organised

Course Objectives

1. The Employees Provident Fund Act 1952 & Pension Scheme 1995.
2. The Employees State Insurance Scheme (ESIC) 1948.
3. The Contract Labour Act, 1970.
4. The Payment of Bonus Act 1948.
5. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
6. The Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923.
7. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
8. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
The programe will cover the following aspects for above acts:
• Coverage & applicability
• Important highlights
• Compliance aspects
• Care to be taken by the employer to avoid penal consequences
• Important judicial pronouncements
• Practical issues in day to day compliance.

Take Away’s

• Contract Labour Act / PF / ESIC: – Procedure for Registration, obtaining Labour License & obtain Code Number
• Contract Employees: – Bonus; Gratuity; Retrenchment Compensation payable by whom.
• ESI, PF & Contract Labour Act are applicable to whom and their registration procedure
• Unemployment benefit – payable under the ESI Act.
• ESI Covered Employees after retirement – whether they are coverable under the Act.
• Practice, procedure and other areas of interest under PF, ESI, Employees Compensation Act.
• Calculation and Forfeiture of Gratuity and Bonus.
• Calculation of compensation Employment injury under Employees Compensation Act.
• What is the maximum limit under the Gratuity Act, for which Income tax exemption can be claimed?

• Whether voluntary coverage is possible under ESI & PF.

• Excluded Employee under Provident Fund.

• Under Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme under PF what is maximum amount payable?

• Permissible deductions under the payment of wages act.

• ESI & PF payment has to be made before which date.

• When female employee is entitled for the maternity benefit and when it can be forfeited.

• Whether monthly Bonus is payable under the Bonus Act.

• What is maximum Amount payable under the Payment of Bonus Act?

• Who are not entitled for bonus under the payment of Bonus Act?

• What is salary / wages (Basic + D.A) limit and on what amount Bonus is calculated.

• Minimum number of attendance required for eligibility of bonus.

• Is there limit for ex-gratia payment?

• Whether ESIC Act is Applicable after attaining the 60 years of age.

• What is the magic salary / wages of Rs. 6500/- (Basic + D.A) under Provident Fund Act.

• Maternity Benefit Act is applicable to which establishment / factory.

• Whether annual return under Maternity Benefit Act has to be filed.

• If Gross Salary is Rs. 8500/- and Basic Salary is Less than Minimum Wages; then on which salary PF should be deducted.

Who should attend

• Corporate (Manufacturing, Trading and Service Industry)

• HR Personnel and Pay Roll Processing Personnel

• Admin and Finance Department Personnel

• Traders and Businessmen

• Labour Law Practioners

• Salary Department

• Labour Law Compliance Personnel

• Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Cost Accountant,

• Advocates, Chartered Financial Analyst


Contact Us Ms. Mohini Tyagi

Call 0120 4221708, 0120 4221702


Timing of the Course

Registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm on 24th August 2016 at Willow Hall India habitat Center.

Registration Fees

1 Participant Rs. 6,000 + Service Tax
3 or More Participants From Same Organisation Rs. 5,500 + Service Tax Per Participant

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number,email-id through mail before 20th August 2016
2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synapsetech eServices Pvt Ltd”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Cordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Contact Persons : Ms. Mohini Tyagi
phone Ph: 0120 4221708, 9971114253

Business Communication Writing Skills 8 september

“What to say ,How to say it & When to Say”
The ability to communicate effectively is a skill vital in all workplaces.
In this enjoyable hands-on workshop, develop the skills necessary to communicate clearly in face to face situations and produce effective written documents including; letters, reports and e-mail.


8th September 2016 India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

The ability to communicate effectively is a skill vital in all workplaces.

In this enjoyable hands-on workshop, develop the skills necessary to communicate clearly in face to face situations and produce effective written documents including; letters, reports and e-mail.
Through discussion, exercises and constructive feedback gain the skills to express yourself confidently in all business situations.

Learn how to use these elements as an intentional and conscious tool in order to achieve a positive first impression in every social and business situation.

Course Objectives

Types of Communication

Non-Verbal Communication

Identify other people’s body language and know what they really mean: whatever they may be saying.

Use body language to make you appear more confident, powerful, trusting, etc depending on what the situation may require from you.
Communication under Time Pressure

How to avoid conflict in the workplace

WorkShop Agenda

Session 1

To create a positive learning environment through: Explaining the background, objectives and design of the program.
• Beginning the process of breaking down communication barriers and the building of interpersonal rapport

• Initiating the process of interaction and experience sharing.

Session 2

Communicating in Work Teams
• Recognize their role in the process of communicating within and outside the organization.

• Develop the skills of overcoming communication barriers.

• Understand the need for assertive communication

Session 3

Active Listening
• Know Effective & ineffective listening habits
• Develop sound listening skills

Session 4

Effective Written Communication
• Draft communication keeping the audience in view
• Write effective letters, memos, and reports
• Write persuasively

Session 5

Effective Use of Phones and E-mail
• Use telephone effectively and courteously
• Use e-mail effectively and efficiently

Session 6

Non-verbal Communication
• Understand the need for non-verbal communication
• Know the different functions of non-verbal communication

Workshop Date/Venue

8th September 2016 At India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003

Who should attend

This Course is ideal for individuals and managers who must continue to perfect their business communication skills for a professional and a business environment.

No formal prior management training is necessary.


This Course will be highly participative with the participants doing exercises under the guidance of the course leader. The training method follows this general pattern:
• Trainer presentation

• Demonstration of the principles through specific examples

• Training exercises

• Syndicate work

• Skill practice/Role play

• Group discussion

• Supported with full written notes to take away

Action planning by participants to implement back at their workplace

Meet The Faculity

Shiffolika Kapila

Shiffolika Kapila has 15 years of work experience specializes in designing and facilitating
soft skill programs. She is a communication and an expert in spoken English.
She works with her clients all the way from needs assessment through design/delivery and evaluation.


Delivered training programs for distinguished list of clients in industries such as Government, Automobile, IT, ITES, Banks, Hospitals, Media & Airlines.


Conducts training Programs on Voice and Accent, Culture, Communication Skills, Telephone etiquette, Customer Service, Business Communication and Etiquette, Presentation skills, Business English, Personality Development, Interview skills and Train the Trainers.


Has been a part of teams, conducting Adventure and Experiential based learning programmes.


Developed new business as well as managed key and large accounts for NIS Sparta’s ITES vertical.


Worked on a project for the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in collaboration with Mc Kinsey, and assessed 450 people, through the use of a standardized assessment tool called the rubric.
The focus was on language skills-written and spoken. In conjunction with this – prepared a
comparative report after an in depth analysis of the language skills and ability levels.


Have received focused language training and methodology from Dr. Diane Sol – a language specialist from the University of California, Davis. Her experience in the ITES and the IT industry enables her to integrate practical knowledge, the technicality of the language and the soft skills required on the shop floor, with her training style and creativity. Also a certified Trainer by Arjun Raina. Has undergone a comprehensive Train the Trainer Module.


Currently working with Max Healthcare in the area of talent development . The role is to conduct workshops on Spoken English, Business Communication, Corporate Etiquette, and Excellence in customer relationship, Business English, Grooming and Personality Development, Presentation skills and Interview Skills, Pan-Max. Execute projects that include setting up of Standard Operating Procedures, quality processes, hiring new staff, training, assessment and calibration.

Timing of the Course

On Day 1 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.

Registration Fees

One participant Rs.6,000/-(Plus 14.5% Service Tax) . which includes lunch, tea, course material etc for One Days.

For Three or more participant from the same organization Rs.5,500/- (Plus 14.5% Service Tax)per participant.

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number, email-id through mail before 5th September 2016.

2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.

3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synapsetech eServices Pvt Ltd”.
Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Coordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi
Email : /
Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Contract Management

Contract is another name for business relationship. Understandably, companies and government undertakings get into a large number of contractual relationships with numerous companies and suppliers. A company gets into a contractual relationship


21st July 2016 India Habitat CenterDetailsBrochure

Course Overview

Contract is another name for business relationship. Understandably, companies and government undertakings get into a large number of contractual relationships with numerous companies and suppliers. A company gets into a contractual relationship with the state to get a project, licence or business. Companies and government undertakings get into contractual relationships with raw material and component suppliers and service providers. Companies get into relationships with distributors, wholesalers, and retailers for selling their products and services.

Liberalization and globalization of the Indian economy has brought about significant changes in business relations. With liberalization, business entities have a choice regarding who to contract with and what to contract for. As the economy has become competitive, there has been much outsourcing of activities. A large segment of the economy has been opened up for private participation particularly in infrastructure development including highways, electricity, telecommunications, airports, and railways. These changes have led to a proliferation in contractual relationships. As a result, managing contracts for supply of goods and services has become a dominant activity for managers in both public and private sectors.

Contract failures lead to inefficient performance, financial losses, and disruption of work; initiation of arbitration and litigation; loss of reputation; and other direct and consequential losses. Thus, it has become important for executives to understand the rights, responsibilities, and obligations arising from contracts.

Session Plan

Contracts – Concepts & Legal Issues

  • • Statutory provisions governing business transactions
  • • Every business transaction is a ‘Contract’
  • • Elements of a ‘Contract’ – analysis and mapping with business contracts
  • • Discharge of contract and Remedies for breach
  • • Contract clauses – Specific & Boilerplate clauses
  • • Contract documentation
  • • E Contract
  • • Cross Border business contracts – Issues & Challenges
  • • Takeaways
  • o issues in Consultancy contract
  • o standardization of Contract template

Flaws in Contract

  • • Arbitration Clauses
  • • Extension of time
  • • Liquidated damages
  • • Force Majeure

Dispute Resolution

  • • Arbitration – ‘the child of commerce’
  • • Recapitulating certain fundamentals
  • • Arbitrational proceedings procedure
  • • Expert & Arbitrator – difference
  • • Proposed Arbitration and Conciliation Bill, 2015

Case studies on Contract Management

  • 1. Government Contracts
  • 2. Liquidated damages & Security Deposit
  • 3. Bank Guarantees
  • 4. Jurisdiction of Court of Appeal
  • 5. Arbitrations held outside India Applicability of Part I of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 [Reconsideration by the Supreme Court of its earlier decisions among many others on foreign awards]
  • 6. Arbitration Clause in Agreement
  • 7. Overview of other significant cases
  • a) Enhancement in Bid of original offer
  • b) Invitation to Tender
  • c) Valid Agreement
  • d) Fraud in Arbitration Clause
  • e) Novation of contract
  • f) Risk Purchase Tender
  • g) Invocation of Bank Guarantee


Most of the contracts are drafted with standard pre-given terms. Even when contracts are drafted afresh, clauses on different aspects of the contract are standard, taken from different sources. Standardization has become widespread as it hugely reduces transaction costs. In this context, for successfully negotiating and implementing contracts, managers need to be well versed with the significance of the terms in contract documents. The programme will cover the following themes:

• Formation of contract, including offer, acceptance, and consideration

• Standard bid documents and award of tenders

• Condition, warranty, merchantability and quality of goods

• Transportation, delivery, and Incoterms

• Letter of credit, bank guarantee, and performance guarantee

• Impossibility of performance (force majeure clause)
• Breach, termination, damages and liquidated

• Arbitration and dispute resolution

• Significance and application of exemption clauses

• Contracts and taxation

Drafting the terms of a contract or designing and amending General Conditions of Contract (GCC) is a specialized function and must be done by law persons. Seemingly insignificant modifications in the terms of a contract can have severe implications. The programme is not intended to, nor is it possible, to make law specialists out of managers to undertake amending and drafting terms of a contract. The objective of the programme is to understand the significance of the existing terms of contracts.

Timing of the Course

On 21st July 2016 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm for Both the days.

Registration Fees

One participant Rs.7,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc.
For three or more participant from the same organization Rs.6,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.

Registration Procedure

1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number,email-id through mail before 18th July 2016.
2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Synapsetech eServices Pvt Ltd”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Cordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi
Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated

Contact Persons : Ms. Mohini Tyagi
phone Ph: 0120 4221708, 9971114253

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