Mr. Kapil Talwar


Leadership for Managers, Presentation Skills; Interpersonal skills, Life Skills

Kapil lives on a fundamental premise that is so simple yet reaches out to the very basics that is sometimes forgotten by many – “You can only truly enjoy work when work is fun”. With this in mind, Kapil’s philosophy at the workplace is to “do new things every day, bring better changes to work place, innovate and you will enjoy your work”. Kapil belongs to the new era of trainers where training goes past simply downloading content. Armed with the experience of working with some of the top notch organizations in India, he knows the benefits that positive attitude and motivation can bring to one’s personal and professional life.

After completing his Bachelors in Arts Kapil started his career in the field of Sales 15 years ago and moved into the training field in 2002 with a leading IT giant. He designed, developed, and implemented a wide range of modules ranging from Culture pieces, Communication, Creativity, Team Effectiveness, Customer Service, Stress Management, to Behavioural Training. Apart from content development, Kapil was also involved in the hiring and training of new Trainers and creating the Performance Evaluation system for the entire Training Department at a BU level.

He then moved into mainstream Organizational Training at a private training consultancy in 2005, where he was hired as a consultant. During this time he has completed his post graduate diploma in training and development.

Kapil core areas of strength are in the domain of the following soft skills:

Leadership for Managers

Life Skills (Self awareness, Stress management, EQ Management, Conflict management Feedback Sharing etc.)

Interpersonal skills (Understanding self, Attitudes, Conflict management, Trust building etc)Presentation Skills (Communication – verbal / non verbal, miscommunication, listening skills, Perception, Grooming, Etiquettes, Telephone etiquettes, Body language, Rapport building, power point presentation skills, public speaking, meeting clients etc )

Team Building Skills

Personality development

Mentoring Skills

Work Life Balance (includes skills like stress management, Goal setting, Time management, team building) His recent engagements have been with clients like Alstom ABN AMRO Le Passage to India Amway AON Hewitt Coca-Cola. ITC- Hotels Division SafeNet Infotech Cowi India Cadence Design Systems Headstrong Oil India Limited OVL National Institute of Animal Welfare

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