Course Overview
It may give you happiness, but may not always be easy be a manager with staff reporting to you. Often you are promoted based on your current skills sets for a job well done and the expectation that you can perform equally well at the next higher level. You might only have seen managerial actions of others to guide you. Sometimes the transition is easy, but more often managers who now face the role of having to direct others and communicate with many different levels and departments can soon find themselves stretched.
This course is designed to help managers ‘fit the pieces together and see the bigger picture’. It is designed to develop the knowledge and skills in the manager necessary to manage and supervise staff to ensure the objectives of the organization are met, while developing the team and individuals to enhance their performance. This course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the principles of managerial excellence.
Course Objectives
Course Objectives
This intensive two-day course introduces the manager to the fundamentals of the managerial role.
It focuses on the essential skills of time management, people resource management, leadership skills, performance and change management.
At the end of the program, each participant will be able to:
• set clear targets for themselves and the team
• communicate with more clarity
• manage workplace behavior
• inspire others to give their best
• give and receive constructive feedback
• manage conflict situations
• prioritize tasks
• delegate tasks
• adapt to change
• lead the team with more effectiveness and confidence
The Course will cover
• The Roles of a Manager
• The Attributes of a Successful Manager
• The Need for Change
• Leading People and Building Teams
• Managing Conflicts in a Team
• Positive Ways to Inspire and Lead
• Communicating Effectively
• Feedback and Performance Appraisal
• Managing Meetings and Managing Time
• Managing Behaviors at the Workplace
• Recap and Conclusion
Who should attend
This Programme has been specifically designed for New and experienced managers and supervisors – be it in private/public sector organizations, multinational companies or government organizations.
No formal prior management training is necessary.
Training Methodology
This Course will be highly participative with the participants doing exercises under the guidance of the course leader. The training method follows this general pattern:
• Trainer presentation
• Demonstration of the principles through specific examples
• Training exercises
• Syndicate work
• Skill practice/Role play
• Group discussion
• Supported with full written notes to take away
• Action planning by participants to implement back at their workplace
Meet The Faculity
An HR professional, with over 16 years of experience in SAIL and 12 years consulting/training /teaching as a freelancer; with an academic background in Economics. Currently engaged in teaching as visiting/adjunct faculty in HR/OB areas; research and consulting in Competency Mapping & Assessment Centers, Manpower Planning and Organization design, developing HR policies and Personnel Manual including designing compensation structures; corporate training in soft skills; and in facilitating NGO’s in social entrepreneurship by designing interventions integrating conventional HRD with OD approaches for capacity building.
Over 16 years’ in HR in SAIL, having opted for Voluntary retirement as DGM (HR). Consequent to my VR, I was Director (HR & Fund Raising) at Spastics Society of Northern India (now AADI) and presently freelancing with training, consultancy, teaching assignments and supporting NGO’s. I am currently a Director on the Board of ARUNIM, an affiliate of National Trust of India.
• Organization Development through HR interventions-strategies, structure, policies and culture building
• Capacity Building and Talent Management using Competency Mapping and Assessment centers
• MIS –monitoring, evaluation and control tools to facilitate operational zing strategic plans and assessing
gaps in the actions taken and the implementation results.
• Developing Social Entrepreneurship projects –creating business models and plans incorporating
financials and human resources to make it self- sustainable.
• Training in managerial tools and techniques for organizational effectiveness.
• Development and use of psychological tests and psychometric instruments
i. Central Bank of India -Conduced Assessment centers and Competency Mapping for the senior managerial cadre (chief managers and above-350) of in addition to creating Job descriptions, identifying training needs , developing training modules and recommending changes in Performance Appraisal.
ii. Assessment Center for IHHR (ANANDA_ISTA group of hotels).
iii. Moser Baer-Developed HR policies and the Organization structure with Job descriptions and reviewed the compensation structure on the basis of Job worth.
iv. IIPL Ltd- Developed MIS for manpower planning and HR Strategies for this Software Company-
v. Developed OD interventions/HR strategies for Muthoot Group-Northern Region,
vi. Created on the spot electronically processed psychometric tests for selection of sales personnel for Tata Motors distribution outlets.
vii. Developed personnel manual and sorted out the structural anomalies in the salary structure based on assessment of role job fit , redesigned compensation structure for both managerial and non-managerial staff for Jewanram Sheoduttrai group in Kolkatta
Courses taught include: OB, OD & Change, Organisation Structure & Design, Manpower Planning, HRM, Competency Mapping, Performance & Compensation Management, Industrial Relations & Labour Laws, Work Psychology, Group Dynamics, Counseling Skills for Managers, Cross Cultural Management, QT, Business Research, and Business Communication. Institutes taught include: FORE, BIMTEC, ICFAI, AIMA, IILM, ITM, SCIR, IIPM, JIMS, IAMR and YMCA. Teaching 2 LSE (London School of Economics) UG courses (BSc in Eco & Management) at ITM- Org Theory and HRM
Training- Conducted training programs on ‘Negotiation Skills’,’Counselling & Mentoring’, ‘Disciplinary Action & Proceedings’, ‘HR for Line Managers’, ‘Training of Trainers’ and “Team Building”. OD workshops for IIPL on development of Vision, Mission, Strategies and Goals, Communication and Team working. Conducted a training program on Labour Law Implementation strategies in association with Gurgaon Management Association,Conducted training sessions and given lectures for KATHA using the Indian Short Stories as Case studies on Management Concepts for IIFT students, Entrepreneurial training workshops at the Katha School of Entrepreneurial School of Management. Invited for training sessions by PSU’s viz NTPC, KRIBHCO, PEC etc. Have been on the Interview Board for Recruitment in some private Companies on turnkey basis
Corporate Clients include: UTCS (Union Territory Civil Services) training college, IIFCO-Tokio, IOCL, Kribhco, Maruti Udyog, MMTC, NTPC, NHPC, ONGC, Central Bank of India Quipo , Fire Capital, Sudhir Gensets, TERI, CSIR, Carl Zeiss, IHHR and Fire Capital.
Research /Publications- Team Building: The Dynamics within, Compensation strategies, Published articles include: Development & Growth: A Human competence perspective, Innovations & Creativity-nurturing in Management, Organizational Goals & its linkage to Strategies, Structures and Systems, HRM in NGO’s- is it different? Training and Developmental needs for managers in NGO’s, ‘Social entrepreneurship’, ‘Retention- A Behavioral Perspective’.
Timing of the Course
On Day 1 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.
On the second day training begins at 9.00 am finishing at 5.30 pm.
Registration Fees
One participant Rs.11,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc for Two Days.
For two or more participant from the same organization Rs.10,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.
Workshop Date/Venue
26th & 27th June 2014 At Willow Hall (Ist Floor) India Habitat Centre,Lodhi Road,New Delhi 110003
Registration Procedure
1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number, email-id through mail before 10 june 2014.
2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Strategic HR and Training”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Coordinator Ms Mohini Email : /
Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheque to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated