Mr. Subhashis Banerjee

Mr.Subhashis Banerjee

Leadership Trainer & Executive Coach

After finishing post-graduation from IIT Madras, Started career at one of the top Indian Automobile Organization & later worked with some of the world’s largest conglomerates, abroad.


In the last corporate assignment, was the profit centre head  responsible for entire operations for managing the brand in couple of countries.


After being in the corporate world for almost 15 years, plunged into individual & organization performance improvement field –as a Franchisee for a well known American Leadership Company.


Since last 11 Years added value to around 12500+ individuals & around 30+ organizations   in personal & organization development.


During the journey got Certified as NLP Professional(certified by probably the best Guru in the World Dr. Dick Mchugh) & on Leadership through Schuitema (South Africa), attended Art of Living, OSHO, Appreciative Enquiry (by Dr. Roland Sullivan) & Landmark Forum, etc.


Competencies includes Relationship Enhancement, Self Development, Problem Solving, Personal Counseling, Mentoring, Attitudinal Reformation, Selling Skills, Coaching, using few Personality Profiling Tools like Enneagram, DISC, FIRO-B etc., Developing totally customized Contents for the Workshops etc.


Few of The Themes Focused on with Corporates -n- Individuals


Belief Change, Personal Selling Skills, Personality Development, Creativity + Innovation , Improving Personal Effectiveness, Team Building, Customer Service, Communications, Leadership, Work-Life Balance, Goal Setting, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Change Management, Personality Profiling, Conflict Resolution, Inculcating Core Values, Time Management, Attitude Transformation, Handling Stress & Managing Anger, Building Good Interpersonal Relationship, Performance Enhancement, Culture Change, Appraisals & Feedback, Creating Ownership & Accountability etc.


Some of the Clients Handled


Nicholas Piramal, ICI, GM, VST, Johnson Matthey, Balco, J.K.Tyres, Oil India, Railway, NTPC, NHPC, BSES, NAB, Hero Honda, Jindal Steel & Power, Metro Tyre, GTC, Punjab National Bank, Asian Paints, Rico Auto, Nestle, State Bank of Patiala , Perot Systems, Hewitt, Airtel, Hindalco, Tata Telecommunications, Maruti Udyog, Dainik Bhaskar ,SBBJ, Mahindra & Mahindra, JCB etc.


Types of Program Conducted

Conference Room to Outbound, 2Hours to 6Days, Just for Fun to Delivering Results, Workers to Senior Management, Students to Teachers to Housewives, Parents to Couples, Hard Skills to Soft Skills


Participated in Long Term Intervention to Transform Culture


Balco, JSPL, Railways, JPL, Hindalco

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