Mr. Neeraj Agarwal

Mr. Neeraj Agarwal
Neeraj Agarwal 49 years old, an HR Consultant with over 26 years of work experience and over 20 years in HR Consulting. He last worked with Hotel The Oberoi, New Delhi as the Training Head and since then he has been successfully running his own HR Consulting company “NA Human Resource Solution Pvt Ltd” in New Delhi. He has worked with several organizations of repute taking them on the path of geometric growth through various HR interventions.

He essentially works in the areas of Training, Coaching and HR Systems like Competency Framework, PMS etc. He would have conducted over 350 workshops in the last 20 years, thereby covering over 5000 people in his workshops covering varied industries like Electrical Cables & Power, Sports, IT, Cement, Infrastructure, Engineering, Hotels, Apparels, Footwear, etc.

The workshop would be largely interactive and discussions based.


• Certified Executive Coach by ICF (International Coach Federation) though Results Coaching System
• MBTI Qualified by APT (Association of Psychological Types), USA, trained by Ms Linda Kirby
• Certified on PPA DISC Profile by Thomas International
• Certified on “Hay’s Guide Charts Method” by Hay’s Consultants India
• Certified on “Competency Mapping”
• Certified on “HRD Audit”
• Certified in “Transactional Analysis”
• “Balanced Score Card” Practitioner

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