Course Overview
Leaders are not necessarily born. Situations or circumstances make leaders who in turn inspire people to produce exceptional results. Leadership is also not dependant on gender, caste or religion. It transcends all boundaries and hierarchies. There is no one best style of leadership. The situation defines the best style suitable for leadership in that moment.
Leadership is not managing things, which is the role of a leader. Leadership is inspiring people to achieve outstanding results which they otherwise may not be able to achieve. Leadership is much more than being a manager. A manager handles things. A leader manages people. One who learns to manage people can mobilize and channelize all its resources to achieve wonderful goals for their organizations.
This program helps you take the leap from being a manager to being a leader. It helps you discover the leader in you, identify the bottlenecks as a leader and explore ways to become an inspirational leader. The program is highly interactive and experiential in nature which will drive the point across through various simulation exercises, psychometrics, etc.
Explore what it takes to be a leader. How different is it from being a Manager? Explore how I can teach my people to catch a fish on their own rather than spoon-feeding them?
Explore eliminating dependence on you so that people make their own decisions.. Explore people management and inspiring them. Develop competence to understand some leadership models and how do we fine tune our leadership style?
Develop competence to understand motivational models, their practical application and structuring it to get the desired benefits for your people
And much more. We will also go where you take us and not have a rigid agenda during the program. Let us delve in the unknown …
The program would use a combination of psychometrics, Management Games and Simulation Exercises. Also, the program would derive and unprecedented learning from other participants and the experiences shared by the Facilitator.
Learning Objectives
- Identifying traits of a leader
- Learning resource mobilization and utilization of resources
- Building trust among the team members for cohesiveness
- Understand different motivational styles of a leader
- Transforming from being a leader to being a COACH
- Understand importance of delegation and empowering the subordinates
- Importance of monitoring without interfering in work
- Leading in conflict situations
- Building motivated and result oriented teams
Program Schedule
Session 1
Introduction and expectations
Identifying desired traits of a leader
Doing a self-analysis on all traits
Session 2
Simulation Exercise
- Importance of planning and execution
- Mobilizing and utilizing resources
- Time Management
- Role of a leader
- Result vs effort orientation
Session 3
Motivational Style Questionnaire
- Understand different motivational styles as a leader
- Understand your motivational styles as a leader
- Understand strengths and weaknesses of your profile and possible actions
Session 4
Simulation Exercise
- Building trust in your team for cohesiveness
- Role of a leader in conflict situation
- Thinking of organizational perspective as a leader and making sure the team looks at the larger picture
Session 5
Feedback and Action Plan
- Feedback as a leader by the participants and the facilitator
- Drawing action plans to be monitored by oneself
At the end of the program, you will understand yourself better as a leader and would get a direction to be an effective and inspirational leader.
Therefore, you will delegate better and help your team achieve its organizational objectives.
You would also be able to help your team make their own decisions thereby bringing more confidence and
ownership in them.
You would thus help in building leaders for tomorrow.
Timing of the Course
On Day 1 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.
Session Plan
Session 1
Course Introduction
· Introduction
· Program Objectives
· Delegates requirements for the course.
Session 2
Review of Leadership Theories & Situational Leadership
· Review of development of Leadership Theories over the years
· Trait Approach, Fatal Flaws, Attitudinal Approach, Managerial Grid
· Situational Leadership styles
· Development Level of Followers
· Matching Leadership Style to the Situation
Session 3
Introduction to the Case Study
· Introduction to the case study.
· Defining the task.
Session 4
Discussions on the Case Study
· Discussions on the case study
· Extracting the learning points from the case study
· Devloping a personal strategy
Session 5
Exercises / Anchoring the learning
· Exercises
· Developing a personal strategy
· Anchoring the learning.
Session 6
Valedictory Session
· Replying to Questions of Participants and Clarification of Doubts.
· Feed Back of the Programme.
Registration Fees
One participant Rs. 6,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc for One Day.
For two or more participant from the same organization Rs. 5,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.
Registration Procedure
1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number, email-id through mail before 14th June 2016.
2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Strategic HR and Training”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Coordinator Ms Roquia Email : /
Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated