Course Overview
Negotiation is a key work and life skill. Negotiation takes place with outside companies and customers, as well as internally within departments or project teams. 90% of all negotiations take place before the involved parties even get to the bargaining table. Getting better results in terms of timelines, price or quality, all contribute to bottom line profitability. Most people think of negotiations as competitive contests where one persons gain is another’s loss – a more cooperative, creative agreement is rarely achieved.
The workshop focuses on developing more collaborative outcomes in the wide variety of negotiations that we participate in every business day. This workshop is designed to groom potential and prospective future negotiators and will equip them with the attitudinal imperatives to clinch a successful deal
The 2 day workshop will provide an opportunity to understand and enhance your negotiation skills while benefiting from direct feedback. During the session, participants will have the opportunity to understand the negotiation process itself – getting the best results using a collaborative negotiation style. Our discussion will also focus on how different strategic choices and interpersonal skills drive success at the bargaining table.
These skills will help learn the structure underlying all negotiations. The workshop is packed with real life situations for role plays where participants will understand how to deploy relevant strategies, appropriate techniques, and interest sustaining tactics based on hands on experience.
Salient Features
• Experiential Methodology with live case situations and the role plays.
• Very rich content with multiple perspectives.
• Personal attention to each participant.
Course Objectives
The workshop will enable the participants to :
• Diagnose the underlying negotiation and influencing process
• Deal with tough customers.
• Successfully close the sales
• Identify, value, and strengthen their existing competencies around negotiation and influencing.
• Broaden their interpersonal and influencing skills
• Help them break deadlocks creatively
• Structure and use language to gain cooperation
• Lock-in commitment to lasting agreements
• Prepare more systematically to their advantage
• Generate strategic options
Key Takeaways & Learning Outcomes
• Learn the structure underlying all negotiations
• Identify appropriate skills and when to use them for negotiations
• Achieve a measurable improvement in performance
• Negotiate your way out of conflict
• Use active listening techniques to pick up signals Before too long
• Make, pitch and respond to proposals you’ll find
• Assess concessions and analyze priorities yourself making
• Defuse aggression and confrontation
• Handle deadlocks
• Identifying win-win agreements – expanding the pie.
• Developing the skill of asking questions
• Build partnership relationships with clients or suppliers
• Learn the secrets of win/win decision
• Conventional Vs Principled Negotiation
• Understanding the 4Ds of Negotiation .
• Dealing with difficult tactics.
Workshop Date/Venue
17th & 18th March 2016 At Deck Suite (5th Floor) India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003
Who should attend
This Programme has been specifically designed for Junior, Middle or Senior level Managers irrespective of their functions, designation, position and business involvement – be it in private/public sector organisations, multinational companies or government organisations who want to maximise ability to negotiate more effectively and build stronger, longer-lasting relationships with clients, colleagues, suppliers and others..
The entire approach for covering the focus areas would be semi-structured in nature wherein effort would be on co-creation. The participation of the trainees will become the subject matter for discussion and analysis. However, the faculty and her associate would provide structured inputs for learning and reinforcement purposes.
The deliverance would include:
1. Structured Inputs
2. Customized training booklet acting both as a reference material and a learning diary.
3. Videos
4. Experiential Exercises
5. Self-Assessment Questionnaires
6. Business Games
7. Role plays (video recorded and played back)
8. Group Exercises
9. Situation based case lets
Meet The Faculty
Mrs Veena Kumar
She is a renowned Management Consultant, having 30 years of experience in Corporate Training, Research, Management Education, Consultancy and hiring solutions. She specializes in conceptualizing and executing Customer/Channel/ Employee Satisfaction Surveys developing a CSI, Marketing/Distribution Effectiveness Mapping, and Consumer Behavior & Brand Mapping. Her Consultancy projects include Strategies for future growth, Organizational Effectiveness Audit, Marketing & Branding strategies and a host of Marketing & HR Interventions.
As a corporate trainer, she has been handling experiential training workshops for both Behavioral as well as Sales & Marketing areas for senior, middle & cutting edge level as well. Her interventions have benefitted various organizations all over the country. A Post Graduate in Management from Punjab University, Chandigarh, she holds a dual specialization in Marketing and HRD.
She is engaged in conducting training workshops in the Sales and Marketing as well as Behavioral disciplines for organizations like Map My India, Cowi India ,Teri, HCL Technologies Ltd., Cyber Media India Ltd, The Lodhi Hotel , Jabra Innova, HCL Infosystems Ltd., Oberoi Group Of Hotels, , JK Organisation etc
Customer Orientation & Satisfaction, Strategic Negotiation, Customer Relationship Management, Effective Selling Skills, Strategic Marketing, Brand Management, Customised MDPs, People Management, Situational Leadership, Motivation, Team Building, Presentation Skills, Professional & Personal Effectiveness, Presentation Skills, Service Business Orientation, Communication Skills, , Train The Trainer, Secretarial Development. Visioning Workshops etc. are some of the areas for which she has been conducting workshops regularly.
She has also been on the Selection Panel for senior and middle level positions for a number of private sector organizations
Teaching Experience
She has a very rich teaching experience as a Visiting Faculty to prestigious Management Institutes of Delhi including FMS Delhi University, Infinity Business School, IMT (Both Ghaziabad & Delhi Chapter ) FORE, NDIM, IIPM etc.
She also happens to be a member of the Academic Council of NDIM New Delhi.
She is also an approved faculty for University of Bradford, UK conducting their Management courses in India. She has been teaching a variety of papers in the field of Marketing and getting a consistent feedback of 9+ on a 10 point scale. She has also been a guide since many years for the final year management students working on their dissertations.
Courses taught by her include: Sales & Distribution Management, Competitive Marketing, Marketing Of Services, Marketing Management, Business Communication ,Organisational Behaviour & Marketing Research
Timing of the Course
On Day 1 registration is between 9.00-9.30 am and the training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.
On the second day training begins at 9.30 am finishing at 5.30 pm.
Registration Fees
One participant Rs.12,000/- Plus Service Tax. which includes lunch, tea, course material etc for Two Days.
For two or more participant from the same organization Rs.11,500/- Plus Service Tax per participant.
Registration Procedure
1. Please send confirmation with your Full name ,mobile number, email-id through mail before 15th March 2016.
2. The seats will be reserved after receiving your mail and due mail confirmation will be sent to your mail ID.
3. Payment by cheque/DD in advance in favour of “Strategic HR and Training”. Cheque/Online Transaction details to be sent through email to our Program Coordinator Ms Mohini Tyagi Email : /
Seats are confirmed only after receipt of payment.
Please Send the Cheques to our office address D-321 Sector 10 Noida UP 201301
4. Early registration will be appreciated